Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Saison, Witte, & Blue

I love Culver City Home Brew Supply's Witbier recipe. It is a guaranteed hit with everyone, especially those homebrew doubters. As a result I have made it probably 5 or 6 times, whereas other recipes have been a once or twice kind of deal.

Normally I don't like to mess with a good thing, but I have had a hankering for blueberry beer since I had one in Atlanta, and since I already like this recipe and it is a wheat beer I might as well use it as the base in a fruit beer. I am going to take the grain bill (including the candi sugar) and hop schedule from the Brew Supply recipe (skipping the orange and coriander), use a saison yeast to give it a bit of tang, and add thawed frozen blueberries to the secondary.

This is queued up next in the brew cycle, once the Cascade Chocolate Mahogany Porter is out of the primary...

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